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UNIX Scripting for the Oracle DBA

Everything an Oracle DBA will ever need to know about UNIX scripting.

*  Work smarter, not harder.
*  Lean only what you need know and leave the rest for later.


  1. Go vanilla. Use what is available.  Don't install any utilities that have to be maintained.
  2. Keeping it simple means that your scripts will run on any version of SUN, HP, AIX, Linux, etc with minimal or no modifications. 
  3. Pick the shell, Korn, C, etc that the UNIX Admin use because your going to ask them for help.

The examples below are AIX, Korn shell.

Must Know Commands

These are basic commands you need to know. Skim the list if you already have some UNIX skills.

ls List files and directories
ls -ltr List files and directories by last time reverse order.
mkdir Make a directory.
rmdir Remove a directory.
cd Change directory to users home directory.
cd .. Change to the parent directory
cd ../../admin Go two directories back up the tree and then into the "admin" directory
cd - Change directory to the previous directory I was in.
cd /u01/app/oracle/admin/scripts Change to the /u01/app/oracle/admin/scripts director
ps -ef List processes
grep Look in a file or string for the presence or absence of a string.
egrep Same as grep, but can check for multiple sub strings.
cut Parse a line into fields by column position or by a single special character.
sort Sort the results
uniq Remove duplicates from the results
wc -l Word count, or line count with "-l"
# The rest of the line is a comment.
. /path/script_lib.txt Source a file so you can use functions inside it.

Calling SQLplus

I have 211 shell scripts on my development box that are not for to restoring or cloning the databases on that host. Of those 211 scripts, 89 of them make a call to SQLplus in order to do something in the database.

Side Note Example:
lsnr:/u01/app/oracle/admin/scripts>grep -i sqlplus *.sh | grep -v RESTORE | grep -v CLONE | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq | wc -l
grep -i sqlplus *.sh

Look in (grep) any shell file (*.sh) for "sqlplus" regardless of case (-i)
| grep -v RESTORE | grep -v CLONE Take the results and remove (-v) any line that contains (grep) RESTORE or CLONE.
| cut -d: -f1 Cut (cut) each resulting line into fields at the semi-colons ":" (-d:) and return the 1st field (-f1)
| sort | uniq | wc -l Sort (sort) the results into ascending order, remove any duplicates (uniq), and count the number of remaining lines (wc -l)

The uses the results of the script to get a list of every production Oracle database from the backup_configuration directory.  It then runs the following code to check the status of each database.  You only need to try to connect to the database in order to get the status because the error message will tell you everything you need to know.  In the following example we attempt to connect to the TIPS database with the username "bogus" and password "bogus".  If we get "ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied" then ldap is working, the host is up, the listener is working, and the database is up, otherwise we would get some other error message.

SID=TIPS  # Assign the variable SID with the database name "TIPS"
STATUS=`sqlplus -s /nolog << ENDIT  
set pause off head off pagesize 0 feedback off linesize 200
connect bogus/bogus@$SID
ENDIT`  # End the SQLPlus Call
if [ ! -z "`echo $STATUS | grep ORA-01017`" ]
  if [ ! -z "`echo $STATUS | grep ORA-01090`" ]
    STATUS_MSG="shutting down."
    if [ ! -z "`echo $STATUS | grep ORA-01033`" ]
      STATUS_MSG="starting up."
      if [ ! -z "`echo $STATUS | grep ORA-12154`" ]
        STATUS_MSG="not found by TNS."
        if [! -z "`echo $STATUS | grep ORA-27101`" ] || [! -z "`echo $STATUS|grep ORA-12537`"]
          STATUS_MSG="not responding."


The oratab file is a