Oracle DBA Stuff
WARNING: If you are not a DBA or an insomniac then leave this page
This is what I do to make money. At one time, I loved it.
Now I enjoy it. When I get the sailboat completed, I will not give a
rats ass about it. :)
Oracle Authentication Control
- Stop TOAD, SqlPlus and other SQL utilities logins.
- Restrict connections to specified host or programs and DBA's
- Send email notices detailing blocked login attempts.
- Log all connections by OS user, Oracle user, program, client
machine name in a database table.
- Start Oracle Traces for specified connections,
- Process Oracle trace files into report and have them emailed
to the developers.
- Record all of the SQL executed for specific connections and
post it to a historical database where it can be searched.
Automating Change Controls with
- Automate the tedious and error prone DBA work or moving
developers changes to Production.
- It's UNIX shell scripts! Easily customized to your
particular needs.
- Developers can optionally apply their own scripts to Test
and Quality databases.
- Scripts are applied to production with the same process so
there are no unexpected errors.
- Emails reports are sent to the developers and DBA's keeping
them informed of changes.
- Any errors are noted and brought to the attention of the
developers and DBAs.
- Backups are automatically run just prior to applying
- After scripts are applied a checkup of the database reports
problems such as invalid objects.
- Detail logs are kept for each script as well as the
historical activity.
- Scripts are automatically reapplied after a database is
cloned from production.
- Developers can modify the list of scripts that will be
applied after the next clone.
- Production changes can be scheduled or staged and triggered
on demand by any administrator.
- Works at the schema level for databases that contain
multiple schemas for multiple applications.
NetApp Storage & Oracle
- Hot backups without archive log mode
- More supporting development and test databases in less space
- Cloning from hot backups with no user intervention
- Creating a new database in minutes by cloning
- Changing the database name with one command
- Switching a database and it's mirror image with one command.
- Updating multiple mirrors of a database with one command.
- Create and initialize mirrors for multiple database at once.