Dry Ambient Submarine
DryDive is a 3 man, diesel electric, dry ambient submarine designed and built by Brent Shaw of New Zealand. She is the product of a talented builder and over 6 years and 8000 hours of designing and building as well as a successful bout with cancer. She is 3.6m (12 ft) long and weighs 2.1 tons. Because she is ambient her depth is limited by the same restrictions as a scuba diver; so about 35m (115 ft). Normal operating depth is 10m (33 ft) were she is only limited by her air supply which will last about 100 minutes. Submerged; DryDive is powered up to 3 mph by two 70 lb thrust trolling motors. The surface speed is up to 8 mph when running the 10 hp diesel engine. A snorkel extends above the waves and it has with a ball float valve that automatically closes when submerging. There is a video camera mounted to the snorkel with the monitor on the console, so is also acts as a forward looking periscope. Brent is now working on a improved version of DryDive, and he will build one for you for about the same price as a Bass Boat. You can email Brent at drydivenz@yahoo.com Specifications