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Got Ink?
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Got Ink?

Tattoos are Indecent and Immoral

Acceptance of tattoos has improved, but you can hardly call it mainstream. Tattoos are primarily a moral issue in Oklahoma. The logic is that your body is God's temple and a tattoo is defacing God's temple.

Dennis gives Kay highlights.

So once you get a tattoo, you immediately get placed into the ungodly class.  It does not matter if you get a face lift, hair implants, collagen injections, or breast implants.  I guess it's okay to help God out because he surely did not intend for you to just grow old with small tits?

Only in 2006 did it became legal get a tattoo in the state of Oklahoma.  That tells you that there is not only a lot of people in Oklahoma who feel tattoos are immoral but there is something just shy of a majority that believe that they need to legislate their morality. Legislating your morality on someone else is sort of Taliban isn't it? I thought that was why are are killing Islamic extremists.

What to do when Faced with a Tattoo.

Tattoos have a certain shock feature to them so if you are taken back by them then that is normal.  If you think that are reprehensible and immoral then why are you still reading this page?  Go away. Until I got my tattoo I did not realize how many people look but don't want to look like they are looking. Don't be scared. If your interested, ask to see the tattoo. If they got it, it likely means something important to them and they will be happy to show it to you and tell you the story behind it. This is especially true for older folks like me.  For the younger crowd tattoos are often just decoration, but they will still enjoy showing them off. 

Please don't sneak a look. Either look at it or ignore it. Do not stand behind me at the water cooler and crane your head around to try and get a better view. I can see your reflection in the machine and I know what you're doing. Man up and ask, before I ask you if you want a better look. The hard core Bible thumpers are the worst about this. It's like a sin if they acknowledge the tattoo, so it's like they are perving on you; and it's very creepy. On the up-side when I am not in my stuffy corporate IT office that is notoriously full of wimps, my tattoo is a pleasant conversation starter especially with the younger blue collar crowd.

The Chinese Junk built bases on the Junk that Marco Polo voyaged in and the basis for our tattoos.

Kay's calf, "He is my sail" and
Doug's forearm, "She is my rudder".

Carl's forearm, "Dare mighty things.."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Randi's Phoenix

Our Tattoos

We have been married nearly 30 years, and the "till death do us part" portion of our vows means something to us. We actively focus on improving our marriage, we change ourselves, we use marriage counselors, we do what it takes to enjoy being married not just stay married. Given the divorce rate in our society, the rings and the vows just don't say what they once said.  But putting it on your arm; now that makes it clear that you have made a commitment.

"He is my sail." - The ambition, the drive, and the motivation to move forward even into a storm, but not the steady or thoughtfully chosen path, so "She is my rudder".


One of Carl's Tattoos

But I got to say some of the funniest times, is when some old patient of mine commits on how "pretty" my tattoo looks. Or some little kid just stares at it, then shyly asks about it, while reaching out to touch my arm. Honestly though, a lot of times I forget its there until someone commits on it, which makes me happy because I do really like it. Then you have those times, like during a physical training test, shit is getting hard, my head slouches, and I see the writing one my arm. It gives me that extra boost to knock a few more out.

Overall I really like tattoos, and no not just because I like decorations or "accessories" or whatever. But to me they show a little more of my personality to people. They say "yes I do have a tattoo. I am one of "those" people. One of those you dare to go out side the comfortable norm, and even display it". And all I can think is, "what's holding you back, why don't you step outside your box and enjoy life more." Plus they just look cool and are fun!  --Carl

Randi's Tattoo

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself and show people what is important to you. I have two tattoos. Since tattoos are permanent, I spent a long time deciding how to decorate my body. My tattoos are both fun and serious. For my first tattoo, I created a carefree, abstract design. On the other hand, my second tattoo has a powerful meaning. I chose to put a large colorful phoenix on my back. It represents my decision to transform my life. I have chosen to share what’s important to me through my tattoos. However, there are people who believe that body art is wrong.

Many people say that tattoos are dangerous and repulsive. After my first tattoo was applied, people warned me that tattoos spread disease. When people saw my second tattoo, they asked why I would ruin my body, which they believe God’s temple. I agree that my body is a temple. I simply decided to decorate mine. Because of there, prejudices these people miss the significance tattoos can hold.

Tattoos give you a chance to discover people’s values and personalities. For example, my mom and dad have matching tattoos. Their tattoos represent their dreams and devotion. A sailboat is the focus of their tattoos. Mom’s says, “He is my sail.” Dad's says, “She is my rudder.” If you take the time to read their tattoos, they show how important they are to each other. My husband has three tattoos. His first tattoo is a flaming cross showing his spirituality. The second one, a combat medic skull, represents his time overseas. His last tattoo motivates him with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: “Dare mighty things.”

Tattoos are a form for self-expression that exposes what is important to a person. They show a little more of yourself than you would normally reveal.   --Randi